Thursday, January 6, 2011

Reflections on Employment

Soliloquy: Reflections on One Year's Employment

(XIX) [1]

When I consider how some days are spent

Toiling away at boring odds and ends,

Passing from one to next predicament,

I pause and ask: why can't I make amends?

Yet oftentimes the answer never comes;

Or if it does, rather belatedly.

And yet each day, by work, attains its charms;

Or else each day would pass begrudgingly

Unmarked, unwelcomed, not a tear to mourn

Or wash away frustration's epitaph,

Nor hymn to herald those days yet unborn,

Nor elegy when going gets too tough:

Such work as deemed no worthy selfexcuse

Its sin in content does its form abuse!!!


(XX) [2]

Proceed, courageous friend, for glory bound,

Secure much better ends than thus been found.

While shines the beacon from more fertile ground,

Why dwell a penitent of schemes unsound?

All have regrets, and some their penance bear,

But only those defying odds, still dare

The risks of failures could abodes repair

To breathe, in ample fields, Elysian air!

Uncertainty replete, may be the way,

Selfdoubt can yet your self assurance breed

If for each doubt you ample toil defray

With reason's temperance for errors made:

Triumph may not be seen for each attempt

But not attempting breeds but selfcontempt!!!

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