Assorted English
Lyrics Take4, Original by Stan, et al.
Another week passed. One
more piece got added to the group. The
new member is added below after having been posted at the AllPoetry venue. Take it with the rest of them for a test
drive and enjoy the ride. It helps if
you be kind enough to tell me how it handles the curves.
Vanquished Vitality*
Our poignant tale, is subtly writ in rhyme
By unforgiving Tides of Time
It vanished like the smoke
That each ebb tide would provoke
Your footprints bid remember
That you forgot our love affair.
I walked, in good faith under your shadow
Though you chose not to remember
During your frolic days.
I did, abide by your sordid wishes
To stay away far from you
My bitter tears, regardless
Fate of mine, what should I do
So our cherished dreams, could still come true
That surf-side of yore, still waiting for
Our stories’ fervor
Shared pleasures still remember
Our vanquished love affair.
Love of mine, what should I do
So our cherished dreams, would still come true
That surf-side of yore, keeps waiting for
Our stories’ fervor
Mixed pleasures will remember
This luckless love affair.
Our poignant tale, is subtly writ in rhyme
By unforgiving Tides of Time
It vanished like the smoke
That each ebb tide would provoke
Your footprints bid remember
That you forgot our love affair.
I walked, in good faith under your shadow
Though you chose not to remember
During your frolic days.
I did, abide by your sordid wishes
To stay away far from you
My bitter tears, regardless
Fate of mine, what should I do
So our cherished dreams, could still come true
That surf-side of yore, still waiting for
Our stories’ fervor
Shared pleasures still remember
Our vanquished love affair.
Love of mine, what should I do
So our cherished dreams, would still come true
That surf-side of yore, keeps waiting for
Our stories’ fervor
Mixed pleasures will remember
This luckless love affair.
Author Notes
*”Deceased Living” would by my choice literal English
locution for the phrase, ”Patay’ng Buhi,” the title in the Cebuano dialect of
my favorite Bisayan love song. It is my favorite mostly for both its poetic
majesty and the challenge presented by its haunting melody. Vanquished Vitality
is my metaphorical locution for the title. The basis lyrics were transcribed
from the accompanying playlist to which the lyrics should be sung. Take
it for a test drive and tell me how it rides.
© Constancio S Asumen Jr. All rights reserved,
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The Roses Metaphor*
A woman much mimics roses
She wafts her fragrance, with blooming blushes
The more she takes the sun’s caresses
The stronger her sun tan seduces
And all the smiling buds’ seduction
Attracts the thirsty honey bees’ attention
Your sweetheart of votive affection
Proudly sports the rose buds’ flirtation
Storming lightning and thunder could rant
Roses preserve their bearing
They bloom most freshly verdant
Through drinking true love’s caring
Left molested by a hurricane
Rose of love ill-begotten
Surrender to misfortune
Fall wilted and forgotten
[Repeat (3), (4)]
[Instrumental (1),(2), Repeat (2),(3),(4)]
Such is the maid forlorn
By her one true love forsworn
A woman much mimics roses
She wafts her fragrance, with blooming blushes
The more she takes the sun’s caresses
The stronger her sun tan seduces
And all the smiling buds’ seduction
Attracts the thirsty honey bees’ attention
Your sweetheart of votive affection
Proudly sports the rose buds’ flirtation
Storming lightning and thunder could rant
Roses preserve their bearing
They bloom most freshly verdant
Through drinking true love’s caring
Left molested by a hurricane
Rose of love ill-begotten
Surrender to misfortune
Fall wilted and forgotten
[Repeat (3), (4)]
[Instrumental (1),(2), Repeat (2),(3),(4)]
Such is the maid forlorn
By her one true love forsworn
*English rendition based on the Pilita Corales Tagalog
variation of the Bisayan folk song “Rosas Pandan.” The lyrics are sung to
the melody of the video clip below:
(XCIII) ~> Sir Samurai Sonnet*
An exemplary life you
lead Sir Samurai
You brave all odds sans make one lame alibi
Come rain come snow, wildest tempests defy
Yearn for the quarter of the rare starry sky
Through trying times calmly your grief dignify
By the sword you live, by the sword you die.
Much like the flag in the crucible of battles
The samurai’s valor vaingloriously unfurls
Nor fears nor doubts, not a smidgen of dismay
The samurai soldiers on to clinch victory
Just like the wind that the wicked tempest unleashed
You exhaust your strength by blowing over your best:
Your lifelong quest is to make one huge difference
With persuasive means not excluding violence!!!
You brave all odds sans make one lame alibi
Come rain come snow, wildest tempests defy
Yearn for the quarter of the rare starry sky
Through trying times calmly your grief dignify
By the sword you live, by the sword you die.
Much like the flag in the crucible of battles
The samurai’s valor vaingloriously unfurls
Nor fears nor doubts, not a smidgen of dismay
The samurai soldiers on to clinch victory
Just like the wind that the wicked tempest unleashed
You exhaust your strength by blowing over your best:
Your lifelong quest is to make one huge difference
With persuasive means not excluding violence!!!
*First published in my personal blogpost where
the following verbiage appeared as the first comment.
Minted to be sung to the theme music of “The Seven Samurai” below:
Minted to be sung to the theme music of “The Seven Samurai” below:
It has been a week since I first posted the Assorted English
Lyrics. I since added one more, the
Karinyosa. Ergo, I deem an update to the
post is called for to incorporate this latest addition.
My one ardent dream when I’m loving
Is to captivate to heaven’s gate
Someone who loves me without counting
The ways which I might reciprocate
If I can but quench all this yearning
I swear to brave whatever danger
Beyond control’s, my burning passion:
Love’s affection
Heart of mine, ever apprehensive
If you should soon forget
A verdict I’d believe, but not forgive
Love of mine, wherever hope may dwell
There seething with regret
Nursed, my love will prevail.
Pray thee, love of mine, hear my wishes
In forgetfulness don’t let me vanish
Your own way of loving me shall live
I’ll treasure it like gems to my grave
Should I show affection excessive
By your side it burns most explosive
Expect my love shall henceforth endure:
If we are speaking of beauty
None beats the suave maid Pilipina
Be she somber or be she happy
She’s affectionate as she can be
She dismisses her worries aside
Tackles her troubles in gleeful stride
Affectionate spells Pilipina:
True love’s manna
My one ardent dream when I’m loving
Is to captivate to heaven’s gate
Someone who loves me without counting
The ways which I might reciprocate
If I can but quench all this yearning
I swear to brave whatever danger
Beyond control’s, my burning passion:
Love’s affection
Heart of mine, ever apprehensive
If you should soon forget
A verdict I’d believe, but not forgive
Love of mine, wherever hope may dwell
There seething with regret
Nursed, my love will prevail.
Pray thee, love of mine, hear my wishes
In forgetfulness don’t let me vanish
Your own way of loving me shall live
I’ll treasure it like gems to my grave
Should I show affection excessive
By your side it burns most explosive
Expect my love shall henceforth endure:
If we are speaking of beauty
None beats the suave maid Pilipina
Be she somber or be she happy
She’s affectionate as she can be
She dismisses her worries aside
Tackles her troubles in gleeful stride
Affectionate spells Pilipina:
True love’s manna
Yes, sweetheart! You are my one true love
Your heart is all golden
You are the dream of all who falls in love
You’re the gem, of suitors beholden
Whose lives are all forlorn
If you treat them with scorn
[Repeat (4), (5)]**
*”Affectionate” is the direct English translation of the
Tagalog word “Karinyosa” the title of the original melody. It can arguably claim as the most popular
melody to emerge out of the Filipino cultural landscape. The Tagalog lyrics record various versions I
cannot be sure which one is the rightful original. It certainly has been the most parodied song
in my native dialect, Boholano-Cebuano. The
lyrics are sung to the melody in the attached YouTube playlist clip.
**Verses (4) and (5) are Pilita Corales Variations and materials were taken from the YouTube clip attached:
Lighted Lamps Fandango*
At the village fiesta
Your dance was the vista
What a pleasant sight to behold
When such dainty steps you'd unfold
And the three small glasses
Lighted lamps’ bright flashes
Gently balanced on your head
And back of each hand, while you swayed
But what you did not know
Was that I was watching you
And you captivated me
With your dancing gait with charm and glee
Ever since that blest day
You enthralled my reverie
For my heart being in swoon
Can’t drown you in oblivion
You held all in awe
Of your dancing show
All three lighted lamps did you keep
While you pranced and swayed with your hip
This poor heart of mine
Is forever thine
Pray thee, handle it with care
For it is very fragile, dear!!!
*Translated from the Tagalog lyrics as audio-transcribed from the YouTube clip below, ergo, sung to the accompanying melody:
Your dance was the vista
What a pleasant sight to behold
When such dainty steps you'd unfold
And the three small glasses
Lighted lamps’ bright flashes
Gently balanced on your head
And back of each hand, while you swayed
But what you did not know
Was that I was watching you
And you captivated me
With your dancing gait with charm and glee
Ever since that blest day
You enthralled my reverie
For my heart being in swoon
Can’t drown you in oblivion
You held all in awe
Of your dancing show

All three lighted lamps did you keep
While you pranced and swayed with your hip
This poor heart of mine
Is forever thine
Pray thee, handle it with care
For it is very fragile, dear!!!
*Translated from the Tagalog lyrics as audio-transcribed from the YouTube clip below, ergo, sung to the accompanying melody:
Rustic Rhapsody*
Dance away my
darling, and sing along
With the spell of the tunes in the grove
Forget for one moment, your agonies
Fly in dreams with your passion of love
Hold my hands my darling, and tenderly
Feel my heart’s eager palpitation
Should you feel me squeeze, your palm with tenderness
My certain signal of, love's devotion
Take notice, my anguish, glint in these, enraptured eyes
It should translate with ease, what to you I confess
My true love shall endure, forevermore.
[Repeat (1),(2),(3),(3)]
With the spell of the tunes in the grove
Forget for one moment, your agonies
Fly in dreams with your passion of love
Hold my hands my darling, and tenderly
Feel my heart’s eager palpitation
Should you feel me squeeze, your palm with tenderness
My certain signal of, love's devotion
Take notice, my anguish, glint in these, enraptured eyes
It should translate with ease, what to you I confess
My true love shall endure, forevermore.
[Repeat (1),(2),(3),(3)]
Author Notes
*Metric-driven English rendition of “Tugtuging Bukid” with
Tagalog lyrics gleaned from the YouTube clip below, ergo sung to the cadence of
its melody:
© Constancio S Asumen Jr. All RIGHTS
reserved, 15
days ago

My Native Land (Bayan Ko)*
([Metric-driven English rendition of the Tagalog])
My cherished country, Philippines
Land endowed with bounteous opulence
In thy realm is cradled love sublime
Unblemished in the Tides of Time
Tempted by thy beauteous splendor
Foreign horde had plundered thy shore
Caused thee languid poverty
Robbed thee of liberty
Lo, the birds that freely fly with pride
Fiercely cry if in a cage were tried
How much more for people
should strive
To live proudly and not just survive
Philippines, I ardently adore
Crucible where sweat and tears endure
It’s my lifelong quest
To see thee thrive, in freedom blessed!!!
My cherished country, Philippines
Land endowed with bounteous opulence
In thy realm is cradled love sublime
Unblemished in the Tides of Time
Tempted by thy beauteous splendor
Foreign horde had plundered thy shore
Caused thee languid poverty
Robbed thee of liberty
Lo, the birds that freely fly with pride
Fiercely cry if in a cage were tried
How much more for people

To live proudly and not just survive
Philippines, I ardently adore
Crucible where sweat and tears endure
It’s my lifelong quest
To see thee thrive, in freedom blessed!!!
Author Notes
*Tagalog lyrics
were gleaned by audio from the melody in the YouTube Clip below.
My sourcing search in cyberspace found a couple of extant rendering of the song in English. I however contend that this, my rendition, pays even more fidelity to the substance of the original song than the extant English renditions before it.
My sourcing search in cyberspace found a couple of extant rendering of the song in English. I however contend that this, my rendition, pays even more fidelity to the substance of the original song than the extant English renditions before it.
© Constancio S Asumen Jr. All RIGHTS
reserved, a
month ago

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Songbird Serenade (Dalawidaw)*
Now, Dalawidaw,
how you sing with enchantment
Your magnetic smile bodes poetic endearment
In my dreams you grace me with a double likeness
The mermaid at surf-side, and the fairy princess
the mountain, but domiciled in the hut
Spring off the fountain your gorgeous portrait begot
The trickle of the brook, eulogize your beauty
Much like your mirror look, idolize you plenty
Jungle wild flowers like idolatry rituals
Precariously flirting with vagaries of chance
Rapacious butterfly’s most audacious askance
Feast siphons in the nectar off virgin petals
Tender once was such night, charged with glorious splendor
In that cozy hut, we vowed our love to treasure
Prize slice of paradise, sown with first love fervor
Pure living memento, we’ll store forevermore!!
Your magnetic smile bodes poetic endearment
In my dreams you grace me with a double likeness
The mermaid at surf-side, and the fairy princess

Spring off the fountain your gorgeous portrait begot
The trickle of the brook, eulogize your beauty
Much like your mirror look, idolize you plenty
Jungle wild flowers like idolatry rituals
Precariously flirting with vagaries of chance
Rapacious butterfly’s most audacious askance
Feast siphons in the nectar off virgin petals
Tender once was such night, charged with glorious splendor
In that cozy hut, we vowed our love to treasure
Prize slice of paradise, sown with first love fervor
Pure living memento, we’ll store forevermore!!
Author Notes
*A Metric Driven English Rendition of the folksong
“Dalawidaw” based on the vocalized lyrics in Hiligaynon from the YouTube
playlist below: Ergo, sung to the tune of this melody.
Hiligaynon is the native dialect of the Western-Central Visayas region in the Philippines, whence the folksong presumably originated. Dalawidaw is an oriole-like bird and does exist in mundane form. The bird however has attained mystical dimensions in Filipino folklore, akin to that attributed to the Nightingale in western cultures. Based on my Google-search on the folksong, it seems that this is one of the pioneering English lyrics to be retrofitted into the melody. Ergo, sung to the tune of this melody.
Hiligaynon is the native dialect of the Western-Central Visayas region in the Philippines, whence the folksong presumably originated. Dalawidaw is an oriole-like bird and does exist in mundane form. The bird however has attained mystical dimensions in Filipino folklore, akin to that attributed to the Nightingale in western cultures. Based on my Google-search on the folksong, it seems that this is one of the pioneering English lyrics to be retrofitted into the melody.
© Constancio S Asumen Jr. All RIGHTS
reserved, a
month ago

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Rapture Measure*
I feel quite fortunate
To requite your courtship passionate
What would you have me do
With a wife who's doting on you
Should we deign reminisce
The memories we shared in our bygone days
I drown in apprehension
For my love claims me your own
[Repeat (1)]
Just let it be, there’s no use in trying to blame me
Since you’d forsaken me, I sought other company
It was not so long ago
That to our graves I vowed to love you
But not once a fleeting glance
Had you thrown me if by chance
[Instrumental (1)]
Just let it be, there’s no use in trying to blame me
Since you’d forsaken me, I sought other company
It was not so long ago
To my last breath I vowed to love you
But not once a leering glance
Had you thrown me if by chance
Perchance if you’re chided
By your wife beloved
Don’t sulk in frustration
Enfold her in your arms
Enchant her with your charms
Till she melts in rapture
Nibble at her navel
Titillate her whimsies
Bathe her with caresses
Her angst will unravel
Her angst will unravel
Her laughter will endure
Perchance if you’re chided
By your wife beloved
Don’t sulk in frustration
Enfold her in your arms
Enchant her with your charms
Prove your full devotion
Nibble at her navel
Frolic at her level
Kiss her with affection
Her angst will unravel
Her angst will unravel
In laughter she will swoon
Northward of her exposed navel,
Goad your hands to travel
Should you feel a warm thrill,
Do not fret, drink your fill
Sup on the sap dripping,
From love’s endearing ecstasies
Tease, lavish with a kiss,
The fountain of your bliss
Possess your happiness:
Taste, lavish with your kiss,
The fountain of her bliss
Relish her happiness!!!
I feel quite fortunate
To requite your courtship passionate
What would you have me do
With a wife who's doting on you
Should we deign reminisce
The memories we shared in our bygone days
I drown in apprehension
For my love claims me your own
[Repeat (1)]
Just let it be, there’s no use in trying to blame me
Since you’d forsaken me, I sought other company
It was not so long ago
That to our graves I vowed to love you
But not once a fleeting glance
Had you thrown me if by chance
[Instrumental (1)]
Just let it be, there’s no use in trying to blame me
Since you’d forsaken me, I sought other company
It was not so long ago
To my last breath I vowed to love you
But not once a leering glance
Had you thrown me if by chance
Perchance if you’re chided
By your wife beloved
Don’t sulk in frustration
Enfold her in your arms
Enchant her with your charms
Till she melts in rapture
Nibble at her navel
Titillate her whimsies
Bathe her with caresses
Her angst will unravel
Her angst will unravel
Her laughter will endure
Perchance if you’re chided
By your wife beloved
Don’t sulk in frustration
Enfold her in your arms
Enchant her with your charms
Prove your full devotion
Nibble at her navel
Frolic at her level
Kiss her with affection
Her angst will unravel
Her angst will unravel
In laughter she will swoon
Northward of her exposed navel,
Goad your hands to travel

Should you feel a warm thrill,
Do not fret, drink your fill
Sup on the sap dripping,
From love’s endearing ecstasies
Tease, lavish with a kiss,
The fountain of your bliss
Possess your happiness:
Taste, lavish with your kiss,
The fountain of her bliss
Relish her happiness!!!
Author Notes
*(A Metric Driven English Rendition of Dangaw Dangaw) based
on the vocalized lyrics of the YouTube clip below:
Ergo, sung to the tune of this melody.
Since this venue does not support collaborative joint authorship for copyright reserves disclaimers, it behooves to emphasize that the copyright notation for this piece would have more appropriately read: [© Ria Yap Campomanes & Constancio S. Asumen, Jr.], this being a total collaboration between the two of us and I gratefully thank Ria for consenting to the conspiracy, attained thanks to my exceptional persuasive powers, I'd like to think.
Since this venue does not support collaborative joint authorship for copyright reserves disclaimers, it behooves to emphasize that the copyright notation for this piece would have more appropriately read: [© Ria Yap Campomanes & Constancio S. Asumen, Jr.], this being a total collaboration between the two of us and I gratefully thank Ria for consenting to the conspiracy, attained thanks to my exceptional persuasive powers, I'd like to think.
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